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Advanced Breast Augmentation & Lift

Sono Bello Contour is a personalized approach to breast enhancement and achieving aesthetic balance. The Contour process features cutting-edge technologies to give you the best experience possible.

Contour is currently available in Colorado, greater Atlanta, Chattanooga, Oklahoma City, Birmingham and Tulsa. Get A Free Consultation

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The Contour Experience

Sono Bello contour combines cutting-edge technology, our surgeons expertise, and hundreds of customizable options to provide you with a truly special transformation journey.

Take the guessing out of the implant selection process with our Contour 3D Visualizer. During your consultation, you will explore many sizes and shapes of implants simulated on your own body so you can choose with confidence. Our surgeons will be your guide throughout the process, giving you the best in medical care.

For recovery, Contour patients can take advantage of BallancerPro technology which reduces pain, swelling, inflammation, and prevents uncomfortable scar tissue.

Contour Frequently Asked Questions

We’re America’s #1 Cosmetic Surgery Specialist for a reason… learn more about Contour and book a free consultation.

What can I expect from my consultation?

During your Free Consultation, our Patient Care Consultant will review your goals, answer your questions, and work with you to develop a customized surgical plan to give you the results you desire.
You will have the opportunity to visualize your goals with our 3D breast augmentation simulation, view before and after photos, receive a customized recommendation, and review pricing information for your individual plan. The in-depth consultation usually takes about 60 minutes.

Are breast implants safe?

Your safety is our #1 priority. At Sono Bello, we’re to partner with Natrelle and Allergan Aesthetics to provide safe, innovative breast implant options. Natrelle implants are the most widely used by cosmetic surgeons. Contour Breast Enhancement implants are made with a state-of-the-art shell that protects the gummy gels inside, which are designed to hold together even if the implant is damaged.

How long does the Contour procedure take?

On the day of your procedure, you will arrive approximately 2 hours before your scheduled surgery time at our outpatient operating facility, conveniently connected to our Practice. Here you will find the same devoted, friendly staff and a comfortable, private environment designed to provide you with exceptional care.
Breast augmentation procedures take approximately 1 hour and a breast augmentation with lift can take up to 2-3 hours.

How do I know if I need a breast lift?

In general, a nipple positioned at or above the level of the breast fold is desirable, and nipple positions that descend below the fold with the nipple ultimately pointing towards the ground constitute the highest degree of ptosis. Any degree of nipple drooping below the fold may indicate that a breast lift is needed.

What Is Recovery Like?

Full benefit may not be seen for 6 months. You may notice swelling, itching or pain for a short period of time.
During your initial recovery, you will want to take time off work and give your body a chance to heal. Many patients notice tightness and stiff or firm breasts with an increase in tenderness after the local anesthetic block wears off, typically on day two. Swelling usually peaks around day two or three, and you will probably experience soreness, along with nerve sensations or sensitivity.
At your 3-week post-operative appointment your surgeon will monitor any residual swelling and bruising, as much of this should be resolved. Your breasts will appear increasingly rounded, your nipples will begin to rise toward their natural position, and your implants will slowly begin to drop. Your surgeon will determine if you can safely stop wearing your surgical bra at this time.

Where can I get Contour breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation at Sono Bello is currently available in Colorado, greater Atlanta and Chattanooga. Stay tuned as Contour becomes available in more markets!
Sono Bello breast augmentation before and after

Real Results

We’re proud to help women feel more confident, balanced, and feminine with Contour Advanced Breast Enhancement. Request a free consultation below to get started on your Contour journey!
Disclaimer: Individual results may vary. Images and testimonials do not guarantee any particular outcome.

Before & Afters
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